Constitutional Conservative: Democrats Push to End Filibuster to Advance Radical Progressive Agenda


Democrats in Congress are pushing to end the Senate Filibuster.  This is another attempt by liberals to change the rules when they don’t get their way.  Congressman Jim Clyburn admitted to playing politics in order to advance election bills that benefit Democrats saying if action isn’t taken to end the filibuster and pass the legislation, “Democrats can kiss the majority goodbye.”


Washington Democrats fail to realize the country, and the courts, continue to reject their radical ideals.  Common sense election reform in AZ was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.  How do Democrats respond?  By pushing to change the rules so they can override the will of the American people.  The push to end the Senate Filibuster is really about advancing their liberal agenda – the Green New Deal, higher taxes, gun control, and ultimately packing the Supreme Court.  Democrats can kiss their majority goodbye because they are out of touch with the majority of Americans.

